8:00 am
3:00 pm
11659 Hwy 339
Benevides, TX 78341
This free workshop is offered as an educational component of the San Fernando & Petronila Creeks Watershed Protection Plan and will explore land management strategies that help restore and protect water quality in the watershed and Baffin Bay.
Topics include best management practices for grazing livestock and nilgai, brush control, and feral hog management – all of which contribute to reducing runoff and improving watershed health. Speakers include experts from the South Texas Grazing Land Coalition, the East Foundation, and Texas A&M’s Natural Resources Institute. Lunch will be provided, and attendees will have the chance to win door prizes generously donated by local sponsors.
Whether you live or work in the watershed, want to learn more about ongoing conservation efforts, or simply want to support the Bringing Baffin Back initiative, this workshop is a great opportunity to get involved in conservation efforts that benefit both upstream lands and downstream waters.
A flyer and agenda are attached – please feel free to share with others who may be interested.
To RSVP, please contact the Duval County Extension Office: (361) 279-6379, or email Baffin Bay Watershed Coordinator Athena Frasca below: