Bringing Baffin Back Water Quality Monitoring Program Receives Donation from Coastal Conservation Association

CORPUS CHRISTI – The Coastal Conservation Association (CCA) recently made a generous funding commitment of $75,000 per year for three years to support Harte Research Institute of Gulf of Mexico Studies (HRI) at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi’s (TAMU-CC) Baffin Bay Water Quality Monitoring Program, led by Dr. Mike Wetz, HRI Chair for Coastal Ecosystem Processes.
The goal of the Baffin Bay Water Quality Monitoring Program is to increase the understanding of, and raise awareness for, water quality changes in Baffin Bay and the relationship the water quality has to the health of the bay’s critical habitat and resources. CCA contributed funding support to launch the program in 2013, which turned into a highly successful citizen science effort involving local anglers, fishing guides, and landowners, many of whom are CCA members. Over a four-year period, eighteen citizen scientists assisted with water sampling efforts and are now active members of the Baffin Bay Stakeholder Group that seek solutions to challenges affecting the health of Baffin Bay.
“CCA Texas is proud to be able to help continue the funding needed for this important program,” said Robby Byers, Executive Director of CCA Texas. “Baffin Bay is A Texas Treasure, a world class fishery that recreational anglers have enjoyed for generations. Water quality is a key component to a healthy fishery and Bringing Baffin Back will collect much needed information to help identify any water issues within this bay system.”
Over the coming years, data collected as part of the Baffin Bay Water Quality Monitoring Program will support the Bringing Baffin Back initiative, which aims to restore bay health through rigorous watershed and bay-wide habitat restoration and conservation efforts.
“The success of Bringing Baffin Back depends on our ability to get good data that can help us set realistic water quality targets and to make sure we are hitting those targets,” Wetz said. “This support from CCA will be crucial for ensuring that water sampling can continue for the next three years as Bringing Baffin Back gets off the ground.”
Bringing Baffin Back is a collaboration between HRI and the Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program.