Matthew Streich, Ph.D.
Dr. Matt Streich is a Senior Research Scientist and the Mark W. Ray CCA Texas Endowed Director for the Center for Sportfish Science and Conservation at the Harte Research Institute. He is a broadly trained marine scientist with expertise in marine fisheries ecology and population dynamics. Dr. Streich’s research interests include marine sportfish life history, population connectivity, and distribution patterns and how they are influenced by fishing.
He earned his Ph.D. in marine biology in 2016 from Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, where his dissertation research focused on better understanding the role artificial reefs and natural habitats like the South Texas Banks play in maintaining the Gulf of Mexico red snapper population. Some of his more recent research efforts have included evaluating seasonal movements and discard mortality of cobia using advanced electronic tagging approaches, estimating red snapper abundance in the western Gulf of Mexico, and examining the role of estuaries and nearshore waters in supporting healthy sportfish populations. Prior to arriving at HRI, Dr. Streich attended the University of Georgia where he earned B.S.F.R. (‘10) and M.S. (‘12) degrees in fisheries science. During this time, he gained valuable research experience in coastal Georgia studying a variety of species including Atlantic and shortnose sturgeon, bull sharks, and tripletail.